WP Mega Menu Widgets

If you are confused, please check out this documentation for where you can find the available WP Mega Menu widgets.

WPMM Pricing Table

With the WP MM Pricing Table widget, you can easily add a pricing table to the menu of your WP Mega Menu. Once you add it to your menu, you will find the following configuration options.

  • Widget title: Set the title of the widget. You can set any title you want.
  • Select Layout: There are different preset layouts that you can choose for your pricing table.
  • Alignment: Choose from three types of alignment for your pricing table. Left, center & right.
  • Select Icon: Select an icon from a set of predesigned icons.
  • Pricing badge: Set the text of the badge you want to show in the pricing table. 
  • Pricing title: Input the title of the pricing table.
  • Price: Set the pricing range in the pricing table.
  • Price Period: Define if the price is monthly/yearly or what pricing strategy you follow.
  • Price Description: Add a description of your pricing.
  • Price List: You can add multiple lists by adding each list in a new line.
  • Button Text: Set the text of the button.
  • Button Link: Define what URL the button will redirect to. You can add any URL of your choice.
  • Title Text Transform: Transform the title text to UPPERCASE, lowercase, or Capitalize.
  • Button size: Define the size of the button in the pricing table. You can choose from small, medium, large.
  • Content Margin: Define the margin of your content in as the given example, 10x 10x 10x 10x.
  • Title Font Size: Set the font size of the title according to your requirements. Enter the font size and it will be applied automatically.
  • Pricing Font Size: Enter your preferred font size of the pricing table’s price texts.
  • Description Font Size: Specify the font size of the descriptions in the pricing table.
  • Title Margin: Set the margin of the title of the pricing table. You can specify the margin by setting the margin in the given format 10X 10X 10X 10X.
  • Title Font Weight: Choose the font-weight of your title. 
  • Price List Font Size: Set the font size of your pricing list texts.
  • Specify Colors: Below are the list of attributes you can set the color of. Choose from a wide range of colors from the color palette and set it to match your requirements.
    • Badge Color
    • Title Color
    • Price Description Color
    • Icon Color
    • Price List Border Color
    • Button Color
    • Button Background Color
    • Button Hover Color
    • Button Hover Background Color

WPMM Product Category Pro

There is a dedicated Product Category showcase widget for the WP Mega Menu. Once you add it to a column of your WP Mega Menu, you will find the following options.

  • Widget Title: Set the title of the widget from this text box.
  • Select layout: Define the layout of your product category sections. Currently, there are two types of layouts you can choose from.
  • Category Background Image: Add a background image to your product category menu in the WP Mega Menu. Upload an image and set it as the background of your Product Category menu.
  • Ordered by: Select how you want the products list to show the products. You can choose the order by popular or by the latest.
  • Select Category: Select which category of products you want to show.
  • Post Count (Per Page): Specify the number of posts you want to show per page.
  • Title Color: Define the title text color from the wide range of colors from the color palette.
  • Title Font Size: Set the font size of the title text.

WPMM Video Widget Pro

This is a dedicated video widget for WP Mega Menu apart from the default WordPress video widget. It has advanced customization options that you won’t find anywhere else. With this widget, you will be able to set

  • Widget Title: Set the title of the widget of the WP Mega Menu Video Widget section.
  • Select Source (Youtube/Vimeo/Self-hosted): Select the source from where you want to
  • Youtube Video ID: Write down the Youtube video ID that you want to show in the video widget. (If you choose Youtube as your video source)
  • Vimeo video ID: Write down the Vimeo video ID that you want to show in the video widget. (If you choose Vimeo as your video source)
  • Video URL: If you want to show a video that is self-hosted then you need this option, Upload the video of your from the Upload Video option.
  • Title Font Size: Set the font size of the video title. You can specify the title in the given example format: 10px
  • Play Button color: Define the color of the play button from the wide range of colors from the color palette.

WPMM Woo Product Pro

Showcase your WooCommerce products with the advanced customization in the menu section of your WP Mega Menu. After adding it your mega menu you will be able to configure

  • Widget Title: Set the widget title from this section. Write down your required widget title in the given text box.
  • Ordered By: Define how you want the products to showcase. You can choose the products to order by the latest products added or the popular products by users’ choice.
  • Select Category: Select the category of products that you want to show in the WPMM Woo Product Pro widget.
  • Number of columns: Define the number of columns that you want to show. You can choose to show 1 column for the products to 5 columns.
  • Post Count (Per Page): Set the post count per page that you want to show. The number you define here will determine how many products will show up in the menu section where you add the WPMM Woo Product Pro.
  • Show stars rating: Enable this option to show the stars rating. Once you enable it the rating that your users gave for your WooCommere product will show up in the widget section.
  • Product Title Color: Define the product title text color from the wide range of colors from the color palette.
  • Title font size: Set the title font size according to your requirements. You can use the following format 10px to set the title font size.

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