Meet Fundraising: A Free Charity Focused Starter Pack for Qubely Pro

4 Min Read
Qubely fundraising starter pack

Are you actively engaged with charity and fundraising activities? Or planning to get involved with this greater cause. Whatever the reason might be, we wholeheartedly appreciate your effort. 

One of the biggest challenges that many newbies face for their welfare program is to let people be aware of the initiative and collect funds. Well, a website could be the right trigger here to spread the news of your noble mission worldwide and create endless possibilities for the betterment of humanity.

Together to bring a difference for the sake of humanity, today we bring “Fundraising”, a brand new starter pack of Qubely Pro.

If you’re willing to make your charity program a success, then let’s dive in below to see how this Qubely starter pack can change the entire scenario for you.

So, let’s get started!

Highlighted Features of Fundraising

The Fundraising starter pack is designed with pleasing colors, interactive content, and more modern features to engage site visitors. We’ve showcased everything here in a visually compelling way so users can quickly locate the information they’re seeking. Plus, it features elements to drive visitors to take action. It will walk your audience through your entire journey and keep up to date with the latest events you undertake. 

Now, let’s have a sneak peek of its notable features at a glance:

  • Straightforward and minimalist design
  • Encouraging & soft color theme
  • Impressive hero sections
  • Multiple CTA’s
  • Inspiring Testimonial
  • Video showcasing option
  • Image galleries
  • Converting newsletter
  • Simple & user-friendly contact us form

Pages Inside the Fundraising

If you want your charity program to be successful, you’ve got to have a professional website. A strong online presence can help your nonprofit organization get recognized and grow faster. Bringing all of your supporting elements, we’ve customized this pack in a smart way. So navigating to each of its pages gives a clear idea of what you’re doing and involves people to take action and engage with your activities.

The fundraising starter pack is consist of the following pages:

  1. Home
  2. About Us
  3. Services
  4. Volunteer
  5. Donate
  6. Contact Us

Now, let’s dig deep inside to see what’s inside this starter pack:


The homepage of fundraising has been designed in a soft colour theme so its viewers feel a sense of connection with your noble cause. Sporting a touching hero section, highlighting services, well placed CTA’s, pleasing testimonial, options for becoming donors, volunteers, and newsletter subscription; we’ve extensively focused on its interaction elements too so your audience finds it handy to reach you.

About Us

An about us page is one of the most crucial segments for a fundraising or charity website. It holds power to either make or break you. Fear not; from start to finish, we’ve featured everything here in a manner that speaks the best story of you. Starting from participation, highlights of achievements, values, visuals of special moments, and finally, with the newsletter subscription, it ticks every criterion to engage your viewers.


The service page of your website not only helps you to give a brief overview of the services you offer, but it also increases your chances of conversion. Sporting classified highlights of your services, followed by a detailed description with images, current campaigns, and newsletter subscription, can convince people to participate in your donation program.


From attracting new volunteers to donors, this page is dedicated to gently inspire people to be a part of your noble cause. Beginning with a featured video, numeric achievements, interactive image gallery, volunteers profile with image, self-explanatory form to be a volunteer and social media redirect links prove your superiority among your niche.


By crafting a more inclusive, and welcoming vibe we’ve kept this page far than just collecting donations. Showcasing top video display,  donors list with images, FAQ, and newsletter subscription at the end this page can unlock a ton of potentials along the way.

Contact Us

Your prospective donors, sponsors, and volunteers need to reach you.To eliminate some of the need for phone support and puts people in direct contact with you more readily we’ve opted for a self-explanatory form here with a newsletter subscription option.

How to Access Fundraising Starter Pack?

Every Qubely Pro user can access this “Fundraising” starter pack for free. To begin using it, all you need to do is update to the latest version of Qubely Pro. After that, add a new page and click “Import Layout” at the top. Now, search for the Fundraising starter pack, select a page, and click “Import.” For every page, repeat the same steps. After that, add your custom images and text to the pages to truly make it your own.

Wrapping Up

Your charity website should be able to get closer to people’s hearts. Therefore, when you find your way to building trust, you win. We tried to give a brand identity to your fund generating operations with Fundraising, so your works get recognized, and you can change more lives. If you’ve thoroughly undergone an in-depth view of our Fundraising starter pack then we’re pretty confident that you’ll like it too. 

So, why is the wait for? If charity activities are on your bucket list, then the time has arrived to grab the fundraising starter pack now and add life to your plan. Good Luck!